Visiting Family | Personal

• August 19th, 2014 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

I just got back from a whirlwind trip to Ohio visiting my family.  We visited five different sets of grandparents and great grandparents!!!  It was a whirlwind trip!  I don’t get to spend enough time with any of my family but when I realized it has been almost THREE years since I have visited with my maternal grandparents, I knew I needed to make  trip home.  My grandfather just had his knee reconstructed and my grandmother has been suffering from dementia for years.  Every time in the past I have visited, she has been having a “good” day, but I know that dementia is slowly stealing her from us and I really wanted to spend some time making some new memories with her!

I am so thankful that once again, we visited while she was having a “good” day.  We laughed and had so much fun.  We had a great time there, even got stuck out on the lake when the motor died on the pontoon boat! My grandmother was having a GREAT day; we had some wonderful conversation and made some wonderful memories. She didn’t get confused or upset once during our visit!  She so enjoyed her great grandchildren and I loved watching them together.  I pulled out my camera to capture some portraits before we left.  They were casual and not planned (note the lack of matching clothing, makeup, etc) but it was more about capturing the love we share with eachother and not the “perfect” portrait.  I am so glad to have these images and will cherish them forever!

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Farewell Reichel Family | Virginia Beach Photographer

• August 19th, 2014 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

“There’s no place like Home, There’s no place like Home!”   Michelle and Levi have loved their time in Virginia Beach with the navy, and I have so enjoyed getting to know them, BUT to them, HOME will always be Kansas.  This was a bittersweet session for me as it is our last before they leave to head home to Kansas.

I love Michelle and Levi, Tommy, Noah, Evie, Maddie and little Willow… they have been with me almost since the start of my professional photographer career.  This will always be one of my very favorite images I did so many years ago!  11

Then fast forward to today- two babies later and lots of changes!  I am so proud of you both.  I know life is a roller coaster and you’ve been on many ups and downs, but you have never given up on each other.  I hate that you are moving but I know you can’t wait to get to Kansas and I pray for many many blessings to rain down once you arrive!

Thanks so much for allowing me to become a part of your family.  I pray all the portraits we’ve taken over the years will hang in your new home and you will forever be reminded of your Virginia Beach home and family.   You are the clients I cherish.  The ones who come to me year after year, milestone after milestone.  You have blessed me so much and I am so thankful for you.  You are an amazing family and I will miss you terribly!  🙂

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