Chris Jr. Completes the Lewis Family | Newborn Photographer Virginia Beach, VA

• February 26th, 2015 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

It has been my honor to know the Lewis family for so many years!  Kelly and Chris were there  when I first began my photography career and I was blessed to photograph Kelly when she was pregnant with her first daughter, Halle.  Now, years later, I am honored to photograph Chris Jr. as he completes this wonderful family.  Chris and Kelly have faced their share of ups and downs, but have always made sure to put family first.  Chris works so hard to provide for them and Kelly is such a great mom as she manages homeschooling, a toddler AND caring for a newborn!  I LOVE your family, guys.  Thanks for being there for me, both in my business and outside of it as well!  I am so glad to see your family grow and pray a shower of blessings this year upon you!

Now check out this little cutie!!! 

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I LOVE Noelle’s face in this… not sure she likes Chris taking over big sister Halle’s attention! 

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Olivia’s Snow Fun | Children’s Portrait Photographer Virginia Beach

• February 25th, 2015 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

I am from Michigan and Ohio.  I grew up with snow… and then I moved AWAY from it!  I am not a huge fan of being cold and the last two weeks of snow have made me yearn for spring and summer!!!  

However, falling snow does make for some amazing portraits!  I had something cancel in my schedule and really wanted to capture some great snow shots so I asked my beautiful daughter Olivia to model for me.  She’s a photographers daughter- she’s had a camera in her face since she was born- so she’s not a huge fan of being in front of the camera.  But she agreed and I was so glad to capture these beautiful images.  She recently cut her hair short and has had a few people call her a boy.  She’s a teenager but very low maintenance, she doesn’t wear makeup or earrings (her only jewelry is two necklaces she never takes off.)   However, any young lady being called a boy can be difficult to hear.  So I really wanted some great pictures of her just showing her natural beauty and showing her how incredibly beautiful God created her to be! 

I hope spring comes SOON, but if you want some snow shots, let me know.  If we have more snow days ahead of us, I’d love to capture some more portraits in the snow!  🙂 


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Board of Directors for a non profit? WHAT?!?! | Personal

• February 23rd, 2015 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Those that have known me a long time know that I love helping others.  I was always the teenager taking care of the kids at big events.  I earned a degree in special education because I love helping those who sometimes aren’t understood or accepted.  I was always the friend who was there in your time of need, and looked for ways to bless people.  I have known I would be an adoptive parent since I saw Annie when I was just a kid and saw how many kids are in need of homes, parents and love.  I have always wanted to go on every mission trip available and have, when the timing was right (marrying young and having babies right away means the timing was NOT right for a number of years!)

 In the past few years, I have been through a lot personally and with my family and have had to work hard to simply keep our family together and whole.  There wasn’t a lot of time for helping others on top of dealing with some pretty serious marriage issues, raising my kids and running my business.  And while I am thankful for our journey, I have so missed helping others.  I have never forgotten the promise that God gave me that I would be a world changer, I just wasn’t sure how, or when, he was going to use me!  I thought “Well, now is the time I need to focus on my family, God will use me when it’s time.”  “Or maybe my kids will be world changers and my job is to simply raise them to believe they can!” 

So, I told myself to be patient.  God has (and continues to) restored my marriage and life’s pressures have eased a bit.  As the new year rolled around, I wasn’t LOOKING for anything big to happen… I mean being a wife, mom of three and running a business is pretty time consuming anyway, but God is good and He keeps his promises.  

Last month, I was unexpectedly asked to be on the Board of Directors for a non-for-profit, Habesha Momma.  I know the founder and president well, as well as another board member, Dori, but we had never discussed me getting involved other than possibly joining them on a mission trip.  So when, the opportunity was put in front of me to be on the board of directors, I was floored!  Am I ready for this?  CAN I do this?  Do I have enough skills to make a difference?  Do I have enough experience… do I have ANY experience?  Am I a good enough leader?  Am I good enough, period? Whoa baby, lots of scary questions to ask!

In the end, I am sitting back on the promise.  God said I would change lives.  My heart is to help people.  If I don’t have the skills or experience, God will give it to me.  He says “Go” so I’ll go.  I hope I am able to help make this organization grow and help change lives.  I hope people are blessed and my children will grow up learning that yes, one person can make a difference, but sometimes it takes MANY to join together to make that difference.  

I’d love for you to join me during this next year.  Please go take a look at the many projects we are doing at Habesha Momma.  We’re building a school, we’re providing life saving water filters to families, we’re teaching women to care for themselves and their children and we’re partnering with many other awesome organizations doing other amazing work in Ethiopia.  We want to Empower Ethiopians.  We want to provide opportunities for education, health and prosperity.  You can join us in prayer.  You can join us in donating to some of our projects.  You can join us on missions trips.  If you are great with fundraising, let me know, we’ll be needing to do a lot soon!

I can’t wait to share with you all the pictures I will be capturing on my missions trip there in the fall.  I have long dreamed of taking my camera with me and photographing a missions trip.  Photographing the hard work the volunteers put in, but also photographing the amazing people and culture of another country.  I can’t wait to capture the innocence, love, strength, sadness, joy, sacrifice, empathy, trust and endurance we will see while on this trip.  

I am just thankful for this opportunity.  I am scared, nervous and I feel unworthy but I know that through Him, I am enough.  I can’t wait to see where this adventure takes me!

If you would like to help me get to Ethiopia next fall, I am raising funds here and would love any support!


Harper and Atticus are 1/2 a year old! | Baby’s First Year Photographer, Virginia Beach

• February 20th, 2015 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Harper and Atticus are my first set of twins to photograph in my Baby’s First Year program.  Typically, twins can be difficult to photograph as you have to deal with not one, but TWO, babies who might be cranky, teething, fussy, hungry or tired!   These two little cuties, though, rocked their session!  I really love watching my babies grow and change over their first year.  Harper is still a serious little girl, but when she smiles and giggles, her who face lights up!   Atticus is still pretty easy going and I love how quickly his eyes light up when he’s happy!  Erick and JD, you guys are doing a great job and I am blessed to know your adorable family!

I love being your photographer Harper and Atticus!  Happy 1/2 birthday cuties!  


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Photography Class starting soon! | Virginia Beach Photographer

• February 9th, 2015 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

I LOVE photography.  Its my job but it is also my passion.  I also have a degree in education and I love teaching as well.  If you have been wanting to learn more about photography and want to do it in a small, intimate, fun setting then I have the class for you!  

New year photography Class


Not only will you LEARN but I promise lots of fun too!  We’ll have at least two photo shoots, one where I photograph and another where YOU get to put into action what you have learned! 


Information is below and if you wish to sign up just go here!  

Declan Nine Months | Baby’s First Year Virginia Beach Photographer

• February 2nd, 2015 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

NINE MONTHS OLD ALREADY????  Time flies so fast in your first year and I can’t believe little Declan is already heading towards the big O-N-E!!!!  This nine month sessions was simply PERFECT!  Declan was all smiles, giggles and kisses and we had SO many amazing portraits it was hard to narrow down to just a few!  Here are a few of our favorites!!

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We will miss you “Pop” | Virginia Beach Photographer

• February 2nd, 2015 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved


Steve “Pop” Voliva Sr. passed away this weekend.  He’s a founding member of my church, Freedom Fellowship,  and pretty much built the place.  Our roof, our additions, the walls… Pop had a hand in all of it.  He was such a kind and generous man  and while I only knew Pop for about 8 years, it feels like so much more.  His big bear hugs became something I, and so many others, cherished every Sunday.  

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He became known for his “spot” at the back of the church where he could watch over everything and hug everyone who walked in the doors.   It’s how he became “Pop” as so many people over the years began to see him as a spiritual father.  While we are rejoicing with you, Pop, because we know you are standing in heaven with Jesus, we also are so sad to say goodbye.  It is too soon.  You have lived a rich long life and touched SO MANY lives.  


This photoshoot I did for you and Charlotte will long be remembered as one of my favorite sessions.  The love you two shared is one to remember.  You shared how marriage wasn’t always easy, but it was always worth it.  To see you dote on Charlotte made my heart warm.  To see her still look at you with eyes full of love, made me teary eyed.  I will forever cherish these images and I pray they bring happiness to your family for years.  These pictures I pray will encourage your family for generations to find love and never stop fighting for each other!  


You will be so missed Pop.  Freedom will not be the same without you… and we are SO much better because of you.   Voliva family… my heart breaks for you.  Thank you for sharing Pop with us. Our prayers are with you. 



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