Saying Goodbye Virginia Beach | Family Portrait Photographer Virginia Beach

• July 30th, 2015 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

I have been blessed to know and photograph the Redden family while they lived here in Virginia Beach.  As they prepared to move and Juliette to head off to her first year in college, they decided the best way to say “Au Revoir” would be to capture the family on the beach near their house! Some last portraits in the place they have called home for the past few years.  And when I say this was one of the last things they did in Virginia BEach, I mean it!  At the end of our session, the movers showed up to start packing the house! 

Three stunning daughters, a mom and dad not afraid to have some fun, a beautiful beach… yep- it was a dream session for me!  To the whole Redden family, I hope your trips have been wonderful and without too much drama!  I hope you make lots of new friends and find lots of joy in your new home.  Thanks for trusting me with you last moments in Virginia Beach.   I had such a wonderful time and dolphins even showed up at the end to say goodbye!  We will all miss you here! 

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Tia and Nigel: She said YES! | Virginia Beach Photographer

• July 22nd, 2015 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

I can’t believe I haven’t blogged this amazing sunrise session yet!  I was so excited to hear from Nigel about his surprise engagement he had planned for Tia.  It was going to be a romantic sunrise engagement on the boardwalk.  We had it all planned… and them Nigel couldn’t wait and proposed early!  🙂  So we planned for some romantic beach portraits instead to CELEBRATE their engagement.  We had a wonderful morning session and I LOVED photographing their love for each other.  Their faith is a big part of their life, and we made sure to incorporate that into their portraits.

Nigel and Tia, stay committed to God and your marriage will be blessed.  There will be good times and bad but I know your love for each other can withstand it all. Be blessed and find time always to love on each other!


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Jack 18 Months | Family Photographer Virginia Beach

• July 22nd, 2015 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Jack was one of my Baby’s First Year clients and I was so blown away when I saw him at 18 months!  He’s grown SO much!  He’s talking and running and FULL of energy!  He loved throwing rocks into the water and laughing with his grandparents!  One grandpa lives nearby but his grandma and grandpa were in town from Poland, so that called for some new updated family portraits.  I simply adore building relationships with my clients and I have loved seeing this little family grow.


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