Actress Headshots: Megan | Hampton Roads Headshot Photographer

• August 24th, 2016 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved


Megan is an up and coming actress in Hampton Roads- already doing amazing things in the area… and she’s still in high school!!!  Next year she’ll be heading off to college and has some very big dreams.  So very proud of her and can’t wait to say “I photographed her when she was just a teen!”  

Megan- you were a joy to photograph and can’t wait to see all your dreams come true.  Make sure I get an invite to your upcoming shows this year!

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Jaita Turns Two

• August 22nd, 2016 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Turning two is a pretty big accomplishment and grandma (GiGi) wanted to celebrate with a photoshoot!  Little Jaita totally rocked her two year old session.  (Of course, like any two year old, she wasn’t completely cooperative and attentive the entire time… but with a little patience and bribery we made it work.)  

We included her momma’s favorite team, the Cowboys, much to dad’s surprise (not HIS favorite team) Elmo and her favorite baby doll.  Jaita is such a beautiful little lady and I love seeing her sassy little smile every time I get to photograph her!


Welcome Mr. Gabriel | Newborn Portrait Photographer

• August 5th, 2016 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Mr Gabriel was ready to come into this world… so ready he came the very day we had scheduled his mommy for her maternity portraits!!!  So sadly, we don’t have maternity portraits for mommy and daddy, but we do have some amazing newborn portraits!  He was such a little star during our session.  He slept and cooed and was such a joy to photograph.  Mom and dad did pretty amazing too!  I can’t wait to watch him grow and I look forward to our next session!  

Check out Mr. Gabriel in all his adorableness! 

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Getting Ready for Moses III | Maternity Photographer Hampton Roads

• August 1st, 2016 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

I met Moses and Angel David almost 10 years ago.  Even back then I can remember them talking about having a 2nd child, but waiting on God’s timing.  Well… God finally said it was time!  I was SO EXCITED to hear they were expecting a little boy and that Amani was going to be a big sister!  I can’t wait to meet Moses III, aka 3D.  


Their maternity session was AMAZING!  We got a break in the crazy heat and the sunset was GORGEOUS!  Add in the fact that the David family is stunningly beautiful… well, it was a photographers dream!  I can’t wait to photograph 3D’s newborn session… and maybe more maternity sessions in the future!  I think the world could do well with a few extra little David’s running around!  Enjoy!

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