Family Ties | Maternity

• August 27th, 2019 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

I don’t have a biological brother but I do have a brother. His name is Jesse and he has been a part of my life since I was 14 years old. He is one of my oldest friends and I truly don’t know that I would be the woman I am if it hadn’t been for his love, affirmation and friendship during some really difficult teenage years. We lost touch for quite a few years and about 5 years ago we reconnected and caught up on so many lost years of our friendship. I love him like a brother and I have prayed for over 20 years for him to find a woman that would love and support him like he deserves.

Enter the beautiful Pamela! In a whirlwind relationship, Jesse found the love of his life. I couldn’t be happier with his choice as she is kind, caring, supportive and, did I mention, beautiful? She is a perfect match for him and I am so honored to now consider her family as well!

They just welcomed their little girl but a few months ago I was so honored to photograph their maternity portraits. They came to Virginia Beach on a spur of the moment “baby moon” and we were able to squeeze in a quick session before the rain rolled in!

The best part of my job is getting to celebrate the milestones of life and capture them forever. When I get to do that for the people I love, it is icing on an already sweet cake!!

She’s off to college! | Personal

• August 20th, 2019 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

I saw this picture today on FB and I almost cried. My Olivia started college yesterday!!!

It seems just yesterday we were cheering for her rolling over on her own, feeding her her first bites of food, calling the doctor for a crazy black and infected looking mouth (it was wet chewed up newspaper), listening to her babble and get frustrated when she couldn’t be understood, teaching her to swim and ride a bike, helping her “lose” her first tooth, etc etc etc! The baby toddler and childhood days are over. 🙁

And today she officially began college. She’s off world- look out! She still needs our guidance and direction- and some of the time she even listens to it. 🙂

She wants to join the peace corps and travel the world helping others but she has to finish at least an associates first though. So, Olivia officially began her journey into adult yesterday as she began classes at TCC. She wants to do something with special needs children- but wants to work with them primarily in the preschool years. She doesn’t think that she wants it to be in the school system though- occupational therapy maybe? She’s still figuring that out so if you have any suggestions please let her know!

May God bless my daughter as she figures out the plan He has for her. May He also comfort Brett and I as we transition from being the one making most of her decisions to becoming her counselor and advisor. She will always need me but we both have to let go and let God. It may not always be easy for either of us, but we should look for the excitement in this moment. My little “livi” is growing up and making her mark on the world. I am so proud of her.

Love began with a Slurpee | Virginia Beach Engagement

• August 16th, 2019 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

I was SO excited when Conner messaged to tell me he was getting MARRIED! It is so hard to believe since I have been photographing him since middle school and I still see him as little boy! But he has found a phenomenal woman and turned into a handsome and responsible young man. I am OVERJOYED to celebrate their engagement with them!

I met to talk with Abigail and Connor and I LOVED their story of their first date. They went to 7-11, grabbed some smoothies and went for a walk at the oceanfront. The sat and talked on the long walkway near 5th street for hours. We talked about doing their engagement pictures in the same location and decided we HAD to incorporate 7-11 into their session!

But we didn’t stop there! We weren’t going to have a “typical” engagement session so when we saw the Bird scooters, we knew they had to be a part of the session as well!

Photographing people in love is always a favorite of mine but getting to photograph young people in love, being silly, laughing and enjoying each other and the quirks of their first dates- well, lets just say this will be a session to remember!!

We’re Back!

• August 16th, 2019 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Internet demons begone!!! If you haven’t seen us much posting lately it’s because we were under cyber attack. We fought the good fight and came out victorious though!

No idea what happened but many couldn’t see my website without an ugly warning about security issue. Then my website peeps told me my blog was history! It had been hacked and we wouldn’t be able to use it anymore. After lots of phone calls, conversations, banging my head against a wall and decisions about keeping my site or starting a whole new one from scratch (many sleepless nights as that DOES NOT sound fun to me in the busy season of photography) we found out that my site is NO LONGER in internet jail! It has been cleared and freed and we can use it again!!

I have had such a busy summer! Seriously, there has been so much that has happened in the past few months and I can’t wait to share all about my trip to Asia, celebrating with family in Ohio, traveling on a girls weekend away, getting my daughter all set and ready to start COLLEGE and so much more. It’s been a whirlwind!

But for now, I’ll just leave you with a few pictures of my family I had taken this summer. Officially this summer I became the shortest in the family. I knew it was inevitable. I sure love my tribe! <3