Why am I not working? | Personal Covid-19

• March 30th, 2020 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

This pandemic sucks. It really does. I’m a small business owner and my family relies on my income. I hate not working and I am worried for the future of Devon Shanor Photography. We can sustain for a short time but we need this to be over SOONER rather than later!

That said, today I’ve been asked a few times why I’m not actively trying to set up sessions and bring in more clients. Here’s my reasons:

  1. I’m following the words of my governor. I love photography but it is NOT essential to day to day living. To help stop the spread of this disease, he asked all non essential businesses to close. He specially asked those in the service business to SHUT DOWN. That’s me. I hate it and I’m VERY concerned for my future but my governor asked me to close.
  2. I have kids… teenagers who are HATING this quarantine. They look for loopholes and ways to get around the rules. What kind of example am I setting if I find loopholes and ways to work around the standards our governor has set? It’s HARD raising teens and we all know they will look at my actions so much more than my words!
  3. I want this to END! I was so frustrated yesterday driving around Virginia Beach. Parties, groups of people, lines and lines of cars waiting to go to the parks… people are NOT following the rules of the quarantine. This will not end anytime soon if we DON’T follow the rules. I’m trying to be a part of the solution, not the problem.
  4. All those times I said “I am so BUSY, I don’t have time for xyz” Guess what? Now I do! The plans I wanted to put into place, the systems that needed implementing, the bookkeeping I never got done… there is TIME now. Time that I can use to make the time when I can get back to work easier!
  5. My kids are home! Kids that soon will be off to college, off living on their own. They are HOME and CAN’T leave. What better time to make memories and do things together! Have those long talks, play more board games, laugh til we cry, make those crafts that we always said we would do someday. THESE are the moments they will remember forever. I can’t wait for the stories that will begin with… “Remember during the Quarantine when…”

All that said, I love my job and I trust that we will get through this. and there are still ways you can support my business!

  1. Send me love on social media! Leave me google and FB reviews. Tell your friends your amazing experiences so when they ARE ready to book and I CAN go back to work, they know who to call!
  2. Pay off prior balances. If you have a prior balance and want to pay it off, I am in the office a few hours each day and am taking emails and phone calls. Most of my labs are still printing and we can get your orders placed asap!
  3. Buy a gift certificate. I am offering my “buy a gift certificate and get 50% more” deal that I usually only offer once a year! Take advantage now and get more for your dollar later when you are ready for your portraits!
  4. Order from past sessions. I am offering some great deals on past sessions. If you didn’t purchase your flash drive, or want extra prints, now is the time to call me! I can get you this years Christmas gifts at a deal!
  5. Pray for me and all small businesses. This is a scary time. Small businesses don’t usually qualify for unemployment or other benefits that others get… so many of us are scared and wondering what the future months hold for us. I have faith I’ll get through this but extra prayer is always welcomed!!

We’ve got this everyone. We will get through this… granted we may be bruised and stressed and full of holes but we will come out on the other side. I truly believe that. Don’t give up and keep your chin up. I don’t want to go through the next few months miserable and angry… so I’m choosing to have faith and find the very best “bright side” I can. Join me, stay home and stay safe!! <3

Devon Shanor Photography | Virginia Beach, Virginia | 757-337-9024

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