Real Estate Portraits | Hampton Roads Professional Portraits

• September 19th, 2016 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Years ago, I visited Colombia in South America on a mission trip.  Jamie, one of my fellow travelers, and I lost touch over the years, although we stayed FB friends. (Jamie is now living the adventure life in ALASKA!  So jealous… until I realize I’d have to be cold all the time!  Then I realize why I like Virginia Beach!)

Anyway- back on track,  Janie’s mom Margaret has recently gone into real estate and needed professional portraits and Jamie refereed her to me! What a blessing.  I LOVE referrals.

Margaret wanted beautiful,  relatable, friendly images and the Founders Inn provided a perfect environment.  She wanted to incorporate the beautiful gardens and architecture that they are so well known for at the Inn.  She knows her architecture too and told me all the names of the arches, windows, treatments, stones, etc that we saw.  I’m NOT educated in these things, and I had little to add as she discussed the beauty in the hotel!  I can tell she’s going to do amazing in real estate.  She knows her stuff, she’s relatable, she’s kind and she’s a joy to be around.  If you are in need of a realtor, I think you’d find a perfect fit with her!

Check out her website here: and see her beautiful images enhance her website! 

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Lauren: The Naturally Inspired Life | Hampton Roads Photographer

• September 15th, 2016 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Lauren is great friend of mine who is SUCH an inspiration.  She is a wonderful mom and wife and loves all things natural and is a phenomenal business owner!  In fact, she has so much talent, ideas, inspiration and passion, she has multiple businesses! 


She has her own natural skincare line and I have been purchasing her homemade organic soaps and skincare for over a year now.  


Then recently, she completed school and is now a Professional Esthetician!  (I have gotten a facial from her and it’s heaven!!)  You NEED to check out her spa services!



She contacted me recently to help her with pictures for her website and we had such a great time together!  She truly does lead an inspiring life and you can find lots of great tips and ideas on living a budget friendly, natural life plus you can order products, schedule appointments and just find some daily inspiration!



Please take a moment to check out her website!

Lifestyle Maternity | Baby’s First Year Photographer

• September 15th, 2016 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Baby number two is on the way for Raf and Claire!!  They are longtime clients that I am OVER THE MOON excited for as they welcome a new sibling for little Jack!   Claire called me and asked for a family session that would include a few maternity portraits, but WOULDN’T focus on the “belly” the whole time.  She is such an adorable and beautiful pregnant mommy… but just didn’t want a ton of pictures withe focus being on her belly! 

Since it was SUPER HOT and had been raining for days, we decided the best bet was a lifestyle session at home.  We are all so glad we did as the pictures turned out amazing .  As there will likely be a household move in the future, these portraits will be some amazing treasures showing the love in the home where both their children were born and spent their first years.  

Of course, as I LOVE maternity portrait showcasing the bump- I did convince Claire to do a FEW in a maternity gown that focused on how beautiful she is with that beautiful baby bump!   Enjoy and say a pray for Claire and Raf… they are officially past the due date and ready to welcome their newest little one! 

UPDATE:  I wrote this blog and guess who arrived the very next day?  The beautiful Katherine… a perfect little girl to add to this amazing family!!!  Great job Claire, I am finishing up her newborn portraits now and she is so adorable with her chunky little legs!  I can’t wait to share with you! 

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