Professional Headshots at the Beach

• August 21st, 2020 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

EVERYONE needs a beautiful professional headshots. Today most people are judged before they are met as others check out their social media sites and websites.

Kyndra wanted something fun and different for her professional portraits. So we headed to First Landing State Park , a perfect mix of woods and beach and always a beautiful Virginia Beach sunset!

We had a bit of a technical issue with my lighting equipment as it decided to go on strike during the shoot. But, I always have a few tricks up my sleeve and with some creative ideas using an on camera flash, a reflector and my super cool assistant, we overcame and created some beautiful AMAZING portraits!

I love what I do and am blessed to help others succeed with beautiful headshots! I’d love to help you with yours!

Ashley- College Grad 2020!

• July 30th, 2020 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

I was blessed to photograph Ashley about 5 years ago when she was still in high school. Then, she called me with news of her COLLEGE graduation from Wesleyan.

Covid-9 put a wrench in our plans and we had to reschedule a few times, but her portraits, taken at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens was nothing short of spectacular!! She STUNNED with perfect makeup and outfits and the scenery at the gardens was just amazing. There may or may not have been a wardrobe malfunction while changing but the rain held off until the last snap of my camera. So all in all… I’ll call her session a success!

I can’t wait to continue my photography journey with Ashley! Who knows what comes next. But I know she will be amazing in her future endeavors. She’s such a sweet, fun and beautiful woman and will be a blessing wherever her degree takes her!!

Women are Incredible

• March 7th, 2019 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved



Woman are the backbone of this country!  We are homemakers, doctors, lawyers, soldiers, business owners, role models, caregivers, and so much more.  We juggle roles without even realize we are doing it. We can kiss a boo boo and put on our high heels in the same breathe.  We bring forth life into world as mothers while also running empires.  We are statistically more kind, loving, grateful and better at handling stress.  We are super-powerful women!

This week we celebrate International Women’s Day.  A day to celebrate women all over the world and how far we have come as women. I personally want to celebrate woman empowering women! I see a trend of women uniting  together and empowering each other.  We need to do more of this.  When I first started out in business I had three AMAZING women who mentored me. Women who guided me, gave me advice and encouraged me.  (Thank you Andi, Dee and Dana.)  Their guidance gave me the ability to believe in myself and push forward on a dream I knew very little (at the time) on how to accomplish. Now, I mentor women doing the same thing.  They aren’t my competition, it’s my way to give back and cheer on another superwoman!




We need to empower each other.  Cheer each other on, give each other feedback!  We need to stop judging each other and our life’s choices.  I am  successful business owner who chose to stay home and raise her babies for over 10 years. Your choices aren’t going to be my choices.  Whatever you are doing with your life, you are a an empowered woman.  Do you stay home and raise your little ones?  Are you a single mom doing everything by yourself?  Are you a military member who has to say goodbye to your babies for months at a time?  Are you a military wife caught between being a single parent and a married one- juggling the two at a moments notice?  Are you a career woman pushing to achieve your dreams and “soccer moming” it as well?  Wherever you are you are a superwoman!  You need to celebrate that.

I want to help you celebrate.  Come see me in the month of March.  Let’s celebrate your womanhood!  Let’s celebrate your superpowers.

–  For some that might mean professional headshots celebrating your success in your field.

– For some that might mean a boudoir session showcasing your sensuality, beauty and uniqueness.

– For some that might be a “Model for a day” session where you get to just celebrate YOU with different outfits and ideas.

– For some that might be a Cultural Heritage shoot as we celebrate all of your unique cultures that make up who you are.

Contact me for your own personalized session.  50% off all individual session fees if you mention “Empowered Women” at your consultation! 


The Other Side of the Camera

• September 27th, 2017 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved


It’s not often when a photographer is on the other side of the camera! This was the first time Amanda has received headshots from me, but I’ve been grateful to photograph her sweet family on many occasions! It’s always such a joy to work with other photographers because we get to play with light. Amanda is a real estate photographer, something I don’t touch, so if you need a great real estate photographer go check out her page here:

I love working with you Amanda, so grateful for your friendship and business. 



Mermaids wash ashore in Virginia Beach | Mermaid Portrait Photographer

• July 3rd, 2017 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Gabby came to me with the idea of doing mermaid portraits.  She had been thinking of doing them for years but hadn’t found a photographer she felt could capture her vision of what she wanted.  So we discussed what ideas she had in mind and searched for tails, accessories and props.  We decided to go for it and create her dream portraits. 

This session was AMAZING.  Even the sunset seemed to work with us in creating perfect portraits and gave us amazing colors and beauty.  Gabby was a magical mermaid!!  We even has a little girl come up wanting to see the “real life mermaid” on the beach. 

These sessions are available to book now!  We have openings in late July, August and September.  I can turn your children into beautiful little mermaids or even make your own mermaid dreams come true.  Book a mommy/ daughter session or a session with your best friend.  

Contact me today if you are interested in making your mermaid fantasy come true!

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My beautiful Livi: Military Ball 2017 | Personal

• March 20th, 2017 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

My Olivia is her own unique girl.  She’d rather wear jeans than dresses, brush her hair with her fingers rather than a brush and doesn’t have any social media accounts because it is “all fake hiding behind a computer.”  She loves volunteering and helping children.  She’s a tomboy with a HUGE heart who knows who she is and what she believes in.

This year was her first big school dance.  She picked out a beautiful blue lace dress but, of course, wore converse tennis shoes instead of heels.  She even agreed to get her makeup done!  (Carly with MakeupbyVega is amazing!)  She got her hair re-shaved and was ecstatic to get a mohawk that completed her look.

She HATES having pictures taken (I’m sure that has nothing to do with a mom who has had a camera in her face since she was born!!) but she had no choice in getting portraits taken before the dance.  She kept running away though, saying “Enough MOM!!!” (I do get some validation though as when she sat down to view her portraits she said “Are there anymore?”  When I told her no because she wouldn’t let me shot for more than 5 minutes, she begrudgingly agreed that she should have let me take more!!)

My sweet girl looked stunning.  She is such a beautiful soul inside and out.  To see her in a beautiful dress, all dolled up, wearing makeup… momma wasn’t ready.  She no longer looked like a little girl, but a woman.  I’m not ready.  She is beautiful and amazing but I’m not ready for womanhood yet.  That said, she is handling it with grace and beauty.  I am so proud of my girl.

Her date, Shanyn, is a very nice young man.  He was respectful and a perfect first date to her first dance.  They had a great time dancing and laughing together.  When I picked them up they told me stories about the evening, which took forever to tell between the bouts of laughter. 🙂   I am so glad they had fun together… I remember awkward moments of silence and uncomfortable conversation during my dances back in the day! 

My favorite part of the whole night was when she got home and curled up in her daddy’s lap to tell him about her night.  Always has been and will always be a daddy’s girl.  <3 <3

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A Year in Review | Hampton Roads Photographer

• December 31st, 2016 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Another amazing year has passed.  Last year at this exact time, I was just so thankful 2015 was almost OVER.  It was a year filled with so much sadness and loss. I prayed for 2016 to be a BORING year at least!  I just wanted to get past all the pain of 2015.  God answers prayers and more.  Like he states “There is a time and a season for everything.”  The BORING year I was praying for didn’t happen, instead He gave me so much more.

Personal highlights of 2016… I started the year off on a cruise with my family.  The first cruise we have done together and it was a beautiful welcome to the new year!  In the spring, I visited  NYC with my son and godson and got to see my childhood crush, Will Smith (aaaaahhhhhhh) film the movie Collateral Beauty.  (Seriously, I was like a giddy child- and the coolest thing was it was an unexpected surprise to see him on set!!  Thanks to an amazing friend who set it up!)  In the summer, I visited Ethiopia again, with Habesha Momma, and got to start the process of opening a home for homeless and trafficked children.  I also FINALLY got to take my husband to NYC.  I love NYC and Brett has said for years  “NEVER” when I ask if he’d like to go with me.  However, he finally agreed and we had a fabulous time together enjoying the big city!

One of the biggest personal and business highlights was I moved my business out of my house and into a true commercial space!!  It was a HUGE leap of faith but I am so very thankful I took the risk.  I LOVE having my own space.  I’ve been a successful photographer for years BUT having my own name on the outside of a building makes me feel “I’ve made it!”  It has been an amazing whirlwind of a year!  I had a phenomenal Open House in my new space and felt so much love poured out.  I have been blessed by the opportunity to photograph so many amazing people, families and projects.  I truly love my job and don’t take for granted the fact that I am given the gift of creating moments in time for each of you.

This blog every year is one of my hardest… to go through the year and pick my favorite images to share.  Each one of you are so special to me, all of our shoots hold special moments and laughs.  In every single session- I am creating memories that I pray will be cherished for generations to come.  Narrowing that down to 15-20 images to show my year in review… it is SO HARD!  But here are some of the highlights I was able to narrow it down too… and once again thank you.  Thank you for trusting me, thank you for supporting me, thank you for allowing me into your family.  

I pray blessings, love and lots of laughter in 2017!

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“Quirky” Author Headshots | Virginia Beach Photographer

• February 3rd, 2016 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

I LOVE when I get calls asking for something a bit different than what I normally do!  Erin called and asked me for professional portraits to use as she promotes the new teen novel she wrote.  Not so different, right?  She mentioned “quirky” and “fun” and then she mentioned “Dinosaur park” and I got excited!!!  

We headed out to Pungo and braved the cold to capture these fun portraits!  She mothered the baby dinos and climbed through fields (okay, bushes) trying to stay out of the way of the T-Rex.  He found her though and she had no choice but to take him out with her bow and arrows!  She  blew kisses to a Brontosaurus and ran with Veloso Raptures! 

If Erin’s book as as fun as she is, I can’t wait to buy it for myself and my daughter!  As soon as I find out where you can buy it, I’ll let you know.  As for now, enjoy these portraits and remember, your professional portraits need to reflect YOU!  If you are quirky, fun and a little silly… your portraits should be too!


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Eli Acting Headshots | Virgina Beach Professional Headshot Photographer

• June 5th, 2015 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Eli is a very talented young lady!  For many years she has been acting and dancing all over Hampton Roads and I have been blessed to photograph her many times over!  As kids do, she has done some growing and we needed to update her headshots so all the talent agents can see how much more beautiful and mature she has become!

I adore working with such talented clients and I see a very big future for Eli.  She’s kindhearted, full of energy and love and I know she is going to shine… whether it be in local productions, the big screen or the bright lights of broadway!

I can’t wait to continue our photography relationship and to see Eli continue to grow, blossom and accomplish all her dreams! 


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Fifty and Beautiful | Virginia Beach Photographer

• May 18th, 2015 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Meet, Carla… fifty and FABULOUS!  Carla contacted me and wanted to celebrate turning fifty  with a photoshoot and I thought that was an amazing idea!   We had such a great time at Red Wing Park in Virginia Beach.  Carla brought along her handsome husband, Tyrone, and we captured some amazing portraits of their love.  One of my VERY favorite things to photograph is couples still in love after so many years together.  

Carla, I hope when I turn 50 I am as proud and confident in myself and my age as you are!  You rocked your session and you rock your age!  It was an honor photographing you and Tyrone.  You were both incredible to work with and and I can’t wait to get the whole family captured someday! 

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