Beach portraits | Maternity Virginia Beach

• September 5th, 2022 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Lenae is so beautiful and glowing!  We had so much fun at First Landing State Park for Marcus and Lenae’s maternity portraits. 


Zoe Maternity | Maternity Hampton Roads

• August 30th, 2022 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Zoe is such a beautiful momma-to-be!  And this little one is a rainbow baby and a blessing that has been prayed for for years!  Ive known Zoe for years and got to meet her husband Chris for this shoot.  They were SO much fun to have in the studio and we laughed a lot!  I love the way their portraits turned out and especially loved the addition of a snake!  My first snake maternity portraits!!! 

Glow Momma Glow! | Maternity Portraits Virginia Beach

• September 3rd, 2021 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

I was so excited to photograph Malorie and Xavior.  I have known Malorie for years and was SO EXCITED to find out she was pregnant.  But she had recently moved across the country so I didn’t think I’d be able to photograph her maternity portraits.  But… on a trip home for her baby shower we were able to fit in her session.  

She was GLOWING for her session at First Landing State Park.  It was HOT but the love between them and the gorgeous Virginia Beach weather helped me to create these amazing portraits. It was almost impossible to narrow down to our favorites from heir session!

I cannot wait to meet her little one in November when she comes back to visit.  Stay tuned for more portraits then!

Now offering A Gift Registry!!

• March 1st, 2021 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

We are so honored to be a part of our clients life changing moments!  Graduating from High school, moving into a new home, having babies, celebrating anniversaries and life milestones, etc. Often when you have a life changing moment, your friends and family would like to bless you with gifts.  

So… we decided to start offering a GIFT REGISTRY! Similar to how you register at Target or Bed Bath and Beyond, you can give your family and friends a link to purchase products or gift certificates from Devon Shanor Photography to be used when you purchase your images. 


We are so excited to be offering this.  Over the years so many clients have asked me if I would offer something like this so and we have finally found a way to do so! 

So, for the next big milestone you are celebrating, don’t forget to ask about our gift registry and how you can take advantage!! 






Happy Mother’s Day!|Creative Chaos

• May 10th, 2020 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the wonderful mother’s out there. Whether you’re a biological mom, adoptive mom, soon-to-be mom, grand-mom, step-mom, all around mother figure and everything in between, I hope you have a beautiful and wonderful day today, and are celebrated for the amazing people you are.

During this quarantine, our patience has been tested! Creativity has a new definition, and time is sometimes irrelevant. Did I do that yesterday morning? Or this morning? Wait, it’s only 3:00, it’s not bed time yet? I hear you. I’ve been there, but you know what? This too shall pass. Personally, this quarantine has been a beautiful reminder of what mother’s and family are supposed to be all about. We are forced to go back to basics and spend quality time together, get creative, play games, and just be present in the moment.

Today, I am spending my day with my wonderful husband and beautiful boys. Had to get creative because they have been going stir crazy, so I made a tape race track in my living room. We have had race after after race and I’m exhausted and it’s only 1:00. Andrew is down for a nap and Daddy and Bradley are outside playing. Mommy is going to kick back and read a book.

Enjoy this time together, take those few moments for yourself too. You’re beautiful and you deserve it. Happy Mother’s Day! You’ve got this!

Family Ties | Maternity

• August 27th, 2019 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

I don’t have a biological brother but I do have a brother. His name is Jesse and he has been a part of my life since I was 14 years old. He is one of my oldest friends and I truly don’t know that I would be the woman I am if it hadn’t been for his love, affirmation and friendship during some really difficult teenage years. We lost touch for quite a few years and about 5 years ago we reconnected and caught up on so many lost years of our friendship. I love him like a brother and I have prayed for over 20 years for him to find a woman that would love and support him like he deserves.

Enter the beautiful Pamela! In a whirlwind relationship, Jesse found the love of his life. I couldn’t be happier with his choice as she is kind, caring, supportive and, did I mention, beautiful? She is a perfect match for him and I am so honored to now consider her family as well!

They just welcomed their little girl but a few months ago I was so honored to photograph their maternity portraits. They came to Virginia Beach on a spur of the moment “baby moon” and we were able to squeeze in a quick session before the rain rolled in!

The best part of my job is getting to celebrate the milestones of life and capture them forever. When I get to do that for the people I love, it is icing on an already sweet cake!!

Women are Incredible

• March 7th, 2019 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved



Woman are the backbone of this country!  We are homemakers, doctors, lawyers, soldiers, business owners, role models, caregivers, and so much more.  We juggle roles without even realize we are doing it. We can kiss a boo boo and put on our high heels in the same breathe.  We bring forth life into world as mothers while also running empires.  We are statistically more kind, loving, grateful and better at handling stress.  We are super-powerful women!

This week we celebrate International Women’s Day.  A day to celebrate women all over the world and how far we have come as women. I personally want to celebrate woman empowering women! I see a trend of women uniting  together and empowering each other.  We need to do more of this.  When I first started out in business I had three AMAZING women who mentored me. Women who guided me, gave me advice and encouraged me.  (Thank you Andi, Dee and Dana.)  Their guidance gave me the ability to believe in myself and push forward on a dream I knew very little (at the time) on how to accomplish. Now, I mentor women doing the same thing.  They aren’t my competition, it’s my way to give back and cheer on another superwoman!




We need to empower each other.  Cheer each other on, give each other feedback!  We need to stop judging each other and our life’s choices.  I am  successful business owner who chose to stay home and raise her babies for over 10 years. Your choices aren’t going to be my choices.  Whatever you are doing with your life, you are a an empowered woman.  Do you stay home and raise your little ones?  Are you a single mom doing everything by yourself?  Are you a military member who has to say goodbye to your babies for months at a time?  Are you a military wife caught between being a single parent and a married one- juggling the two at a moments notice?  Are you a career woman pushing to achieve your dreams and “soccer moming” it as well?  Wherever you are you are a superwoman!  You need to celebrate that.

I want to help you celebrate.  Come see me in the month of March.  Let’s celebrate your womanhood!  Let’s celebrate your superpowers.

–  For some that might mean professional headshots celebrating your success in your field.

– For some that might mean a boudoir session showcasing your sensuality, beauty and uniqueness.

– For some that might be a “Model for a day” session where you get to just celebrate YOU with different outfits and ideas.

– For some that might be a Cultural Heritage shoot as we celebrate all of your unique cultures that make up who you are.

Contact me for your own personalized session.  50% off all individual session fees if you mention “Empowered Women” at your consultation! 


Newborn Photography and Safety for your baby | Hampton Roads Photographer

• June 20th, 2018 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

I adore photographing newborns! My youngest is 12 so, my littlest clients give me my baby fix!  They are so tiny, new, squishy, and adorable!!  I love molding them into little naked balls, swaddling them into little beans with my wraps, and perfectly inserting them into baskets and bowls.  That said, a newborn shoot is not easy – with much of the work happening before I even book a client!

When I take your little one out of your hands to photograph them, I am accepting the greatest gift you have ever been given.  I am taking the baby that just days ago you had only ever held in your womb.  I have a HUGE responsibility to care for that baby and make sure he/she is safe and sound.  I take that responsibility seriously and I have put in the work to make sure I am educated on how to photograph your baby safely.  I have attended newborn workshops and classes to make sure I know how to mold, swaddle, and insert your perfect little bundles into the beautiful poses you often see in newborn portraits.

Often the pictures you see are not single images- but two or three images composited together where I am photoshopping out my assistants hands and fingers that are helping hold that perfect little baby in that pose.  The beautiful pictures of babies hanging from tree limbs- often that baby is just two inches off the ground- not hanging freely as the photograph would like you believe.  Expert and trained newborn photographers know these tricks and tools to keep your baby safe while still creating amazing art of your precious baby.

You are probably aware that newborn babies can’t support their own heads- so the famous pose with the little one holding their head on their tiny hands, is IMPOSSIBLE to do without doing a composite.  I always tell a client I can’t promise that shot because unless the baby is relaxed and completely asleep- that shot isn’t going to happen.  If your 6 day old baby doesn’t want to be in a certain position, I will not force them just for a picture. I still capture amazing images for my clients that express who their baby is and what they like even at such a young age.

The point of my post is to encourage people to research your photographers ESPECIALLY for newborn portraits.  You only get one chance to do newborn portraits (they change immensely after the first 2 weeks) and you don’t want your first portraits of your little one and your first portraits as a family being done by someone without the experience your child deserves.  While I understand cost becomes a big deciding factor for many people, for the safety of your newborn I beg you not to hire someone with price in mind.  An amazing deal doesn’t equal proper training and education to provide you with a safe environment and portrait session for your newborn.

I continue to take classes and attend workshops on newborn photography. I want to stay up to date on all the information out there so that I can enhance my client’s portrait sessions. You and your little precious munchkin deserve experience, education and passion.

Look at examples of a photographer’s work and try to find the photographer with the style you are looking for. When looking into a photographer, make sure you ask many questions such as:

  • How many newborns have you photographed?
  • Do you have an assistant with you during newborn shoots?
  • Are you educated in newborn safety during shoots?
  • Are you a licensed photographer with business insurance?
  • How long have you been in business?
  • What tools do you use to help my newborn calm down when they start to cry?

Get the information you need to make the very best choice for your little munchkin.  You want your session to be something you remember with fondness and love, not fear and unease.  Choose the photographer who will make your session easy for both you and baby, and will create amazing portraits you’ll cherish forever!

Here are a few composite images I have complete for my clients.  Enjoy!

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Why Hanging Portraits Help Children | Hampton Roads Photographer

• February 5th, 2018 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Many parents, like mine, have hung every portrait ever taken whether it be just their children or family portraits. It has been proven to boost a child’s self esteem when they see themselves in portraits hanging around the house.

According to David Krauss, who is a psychologist from Cleveland Ohio it’s important to have those family/children portraits. It helps children see themselves as an important and valued part of the family unit. 

As a photographer, I am biased, they say that there is something powerful in touching your fingers to an actual print. There’s  stimulation of the brain when you have that sensory experience like touching a portrait. There isn’t really any of that in the digital world with all the social media that exists. You are touching a keyboard, mouse or a touchscreen but you are not touching the actual image that involves your child or family.

Children like to feel like they belong, especially in this world that we live in today. Photographers get to create an image where the child feels safe and protected. They can look back on this even when they’re older and remember that safe feeling.  

So yes, not hanging portraits doesn’t do any harm, but hanging them could help your child! 

Here are some photos from my clients of them hanging portraits I captured! 

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Why You Should Get Maternity Portraits? | Hampton Roads Photographer

• December 13th, 2017 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

Many women debate wether they should invest in professional maternity portraits. Some women struggle with body issues, or not feeling beautiful but you are a glowing wonderful women who is creating a human!! How amazing is a woman’s body to grow a tiny human for 9 months?

With that being said, here are a few reasons why you should get maternity portraits!

1. You are growing a tiny little munchkin! It’s hard work but most women even say they feel their best when pregnant. Even if you don’t feel fabulous, you are beautiful and you are creating this little miracle. I may be biased but I can ensure that you’ll feel beautiful after allow me to create some amazing portraits for you.

2. Although it won’t be long before this little addition is added to your family, now is the perfect time to just breathe. Get some family photos of what your family is now before the little one is added. It’s a perfect time to update family portraits but it also reminds you of what this time of your life was like! Portraits trigger emotions and memories. Plus, your children will love to see what mama looked like while carrying them!
3. If this isn’t your first child its a perfect time to involve your munchkins in a maternity shoot! It’s so much fun to see the excitement of the older brother/sisters as they wait on their new sibling! I can capture this happy time in your life!
4. The obvious reason… celebrate EACH OTHER!!! What a perfect time it is to capture this moment with your significant other. You made that tiny human, enjoy the love and happiness that comes with it. You can create amazing portraits showing those emotions!
5. You can get so creative! So many funny, serious and beautiful portraits can be created for you! One family we did a black background and white and black angel wings. We even once had a dad that wanted in on dressing up and got into a maternity gown with his wife!! We also can do the typical gown on the beach or you and your significant other holding your belly etc. We can bring in rainbows if this is a rainbow baby! Theres so much you can do with these sessions!

6. Maternity is the start of your munchkins very fast first year. I actually offer a babies first year program where I capture all the milestones of your childs first year of life.
If you don’t think these are enough, just remember you are absolutely beautiful no matter what is happening to your body. I know that I can help you feel amazing and have fun while we do it!

If you’d like to book a maternity shoot, I would LOVE to help!  Contact me today to book!!


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