Sweet Sianna | Baby’s First Year Portraits

• March 22nd, 2017 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

All these little babies!!!  I am loving all the newborn session I’ve been photographing lately.  Little boys, girls, twins… bring me ALL THE BABIES!  I have a great program called my “Baby’s First Year Plan” and I love when my clients book them so I can watch them grow during that amazing first year of growth!

Meet the beautiful Sianna.  Her mommy bought my “Bump to Baby” plan so I got to photographed her both in the belly and in person at just a week old. What a great shoot.    Mommy wanted it to be just for little Sianna, as daddy was working, and she was a perfect little model.  Enjoy some of the highlights from both the maternity and newborn sessions!


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My beautiful Livi: Military Ball 2017 | Personal

• March 20th, 2017 •

Copyright ©  Devon Shanor Photography | All rights reserved

My Olivia is her own unique girl.  She’d rather wear jeans than dresses, brush her hair with her fingers rather than a brush and doesn’t have any social media accounts because it is “all fake hiding behind a computer.”  She loves volunteering and helping children.  She’s a tomboy with a HUGE heart who knows who she is and what she believes in.

This year was her first big school dance.  She picked out a beautiful blue lace dress but, of course, wore converse tennis shoes instead of heels.  She even agreed to get her makeup done!  (Carly with MakeupbyVega is amazing!)  She got her hair re-shaved and was ecstatic to get a mohawk that completed her look.

She HATES having pictures taken (I’m sure that has nothing to do with a mom who has had a camera in her face since she was born!!) but she had no choice in getting portraits taken before the dance.  She kept running away though, saying “Enough MOM!!!” (I do get some validation though as when she sat down to view her portraits she said “Are there anymore?”  When I told her no because she wouldn’t let me shot for more than 5 minutes, she begrudgingly agreed that she should have let me take more!!)

My sweet girl looked stunning.  She is such a beautiful soul inside and out.  To see her in a beautiful dress, all dolled up, wearing makeup… momma wasn’t ready.  She no longer looked like a little girl, but a woman.  I’m not ready.  She is beautiful and amazing but I’m not ready for womanhood yet.  That said, she is handling it with grace and beauty.  I am so proud of my girl.

Her date, Shanyn, is a very nice young man.  He was respectful and a perfect first date to her first dance.  They had a great time dancing and laughing together.  When I picked them up they told me stories about the evening, which took forever to tell between the bouts of laughter. 🙂   I am so glad they had fun together… I remember awkward moments of silence and uncomfortable conversation during my dances back in the day! 

My favorite part of the whole night was when she got home and curled up in her daddy’s lap to tell him about her night.  Always has been and will always be a daddy’s girl.  <3 <3

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